Week Eleven: Beginner’s Mind; Shrinking to fit or a Courageous Monarch


I love contemplating Zen.

I heard once, children are frustrating for adults because children stay focused on solely the current thing they want, unlike their adult counterparts who often have a collection of foci.

A child’s focus does not waver if their belief ( from less experiences) is rewarded with positive results. They continue to demand and more often than not their weary parent capitulates in one form or another as long as the request is safe and healthy enough. beginners-mind

One of my children focused like nothing else existed. At the time, I would say my DMP was to raise creative free thinking children.  My POA, regardless of how my body felt each day was to create the energy and enthusiasm to surmount any challenge before opening my door.


My daughter Shauna would get a keen read on my state and if I slipped even a little it bit, it was curtains for me as captain of the ship that day.

Shauna performed as an actor in her youth and was dubbed ‘the one take wonder. She never took an acting lesson, she just lost herself in the character during the take. Sometimes her focus was the scene itself and sometimes it was the snack table she could visit after successful scene completion, either way she persisted until she began to care about others perceptions.

As she grew up it became painfully obvious she had followed my example. Find the accepted norm, shrink to fit, conform to convention. It is beliefs not actions that garner results, thus coaching at any point does not work, not even self coaching!

alice_through_the_looking_glassRecently when I took a corporate j.o.b. to stabilize my finances, it was Shauna who pointed out my relief as a positive affirmation to corporate employment. Yuck!   Neither my inspiration nor my awareness made a difference to my children because my outer life until now has born little of the fruit of liberty.

Loyalty to my core values, heartful intentions, courage in action, commitment to growth of spirit and meditation has grown a clear inside.  Yet without direction and constant demands toward a new subby…mediocre results.

I even realized it was my subconscious, told my upline that if most of our distributors weren’t performing it must  be the subby. Expressed this to others and vowed to change myself, then fell straight back to sleep!

A tree bearing nothing edible in the gardens of some cultures is pulled up.

The Monarch lives by their instincts. I often value the miracle of these creatures we are supposed to steward. Every time I hear their story it in my head, I tear up.

how-do-monarch-butterflies-complete-their-epic-journey-team-may-have-the-answer-1024x683I know for certain my creator loves me and all is at my doorstep to create!

I have knowing, awareness and I must still take direction and fly hard. I must swim up stream.

Today, persistence truly takes on a new meaning.

I am delighted many of you have small children who will soar with you.

I trust my family will embrace my vision through my example and embrace transformation sooner than I could even imagine.

Author: atruthblog

Give me the growth edge, a swim in the deep end of the pool. To me, strangers are only friends I haven't met yet and integrity,compassion, self-responsibility and love are shared values. I am the sum of my current creation.

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